15 Psychological Anime You Should Watch

As we all know psychology is the study of human mind and it's function. there are many shows with intense mind battles and brain weavering plots. Anime homes series of brutal battles that keeps viewers enticed, but aside the brutal battles, there are also battles of the mind, which keep viewers on the edge. Looking at the list of psychological anime below, each of the anime mentioned below has been fully explained and summarized to your understanding. Psychological Anime can definitely be amazingly conceived and also can be put in a state of disaster which is nit fun at all but the showcase of mind manipulation can put you on edge

15. Kakegurui


Kakegurui a Compulsive Gambler is set at Hyakkaou Private Academy, a high-class elite school housing the children of Japan's wealthiest and most influential people, with many future leaders and professionals among the student body. However, the student hierarchy in this school is not determined by academic performance or athletic ability, but rather by gambling.

Students are ranked by their monetary contributions to the Student Council, which fuels an complicated gambling system where students freely bet their fortunes against one another after class. Those who win earn popularity, prestige and connections, while those who lose and fall into debt become slaves to the whims of the remainder of the student body known as Pets, nicknamed "Fido" or "Mittens" depending on gender and identified with a collar-like tag around their necks. Pets who are unable to clear their debts by the graduation receive "Life Schedules" which dictate their futures as they work to pay off their debts

econd-year student Yumeko Jabami is, at first glance, a beautiful, cheerful and intelligent high school girl who recently transferred to Hyakkaou Private Academy, but deep inside she is a compulsive gambler who simply gambles for the pleasure of it, unlike the rest of the students from Hyakkaou who do so for financial or social gain. Unrestrained by rules or logic, and with an exceptional observation ability to see through gambling scams, she quickly disrupts the hierarchy of the school, drawing the attention of the Student Council, especially its president, Kirari Momobami, who takes interest in Yumeko.

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14. Serial Experiment Lain

Serial Experiment Lain
Serial Experiment Lain

Lain Iwakura, a junior high school girl, lives in suburban Japan with her middle-class family, consisting of her inexpressive older sister Mika, her emotionally distant mother, and her computer-obsessed father; Lain herself is somewhat awkward, introverted, and socially isolated from most of her school peers. The status-quo of her life becomes upturned by a series of strange incidents that start to take place after she learns that girls from her school have received an e-mail from a dead student, Chisa Yomoda, and she pulls out her old computer in order to check for the same message. Lain finds Chisa telling her via email that she is not dead but has merely "abandoned her physical self" and is alive deep within the virtual realm of the Wired itself, where she claims she has found "God". From this point, Lain is caught up in a series of cryptic and surreal events that see her delving deeper into the mystery of the network in a narrative that explores themes of consciousness, perception, and the nature of realization.

The Wired is a virtual realm that contains and supports the very sum of all human communication and networks, created with the telegraph, television, and telephone services, and expanded with the Internet, cyberspace, and subsequent networks. The series assumes that the Wired could be linked to a system that enables unconscious communication between people and machines without physical interface. The storyline introduces such a system with the Schumann resonances, a property of the Earth's magnetic field that theoretically allows for unhindered long-distance communications. If such a link were created, the network would become equivalent to reality as the general consensus of all perceptions and knowledge. The increasingly thin invisible line between what is real and what is virtual/digital begins to slowly shatter.

Masami Eiri is introduced as the project director on Protocol Seven (the next-generation Internet protocol in the series' time-frame) for major computer company Tachibana General Laboratories. He has secretly imputed a code of himself giving the authority as owner of the wired and also includes his consciousness into it then dies few days later leaving his body behind. Masami later explains that Lain is the artifact by which the wall between the virtual and material worlds is to fall, he goes on to tell her that she should abound her body come to the wired like he did but all attempts to convince Lain were futile.

It was later discovered that the "Knights of the Eastern Calculus" (based on the Knights of the Lambda Calculus), were hackers whom Masami claims are "believers that enable him to be a God in the Wired", and Tachibana General Laboratories, who try to regain control of Protocol Seven. Lain later realized that She has absolute control over everyone's mind and reality as well, but being in an unbalanced sage were sge is stunned by reality and is also afraid of the wired she erased everything connected to herself from everyone else's memories of her and everything else that has happened since the premiere. She is last seen, unchanged, encountering her oldest and closest friend Alice once again, who is now married. Lain promises herself that she and Alice will surely meet again anytime as Lain can literally go and be anywhere she desires between both worlds.

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13. Death Parade

Death Parade
Death Parade

Whenever someone dies, they are sent to one of many mysterious Quindecim a bar run by bartenders serving as arbiters inside a tower in the afterlife. There, they must compete in Death Games with their souls on the line, the results of which reveal what secrets led them to their situation and what their fate will be afterwards, with the arbiters judging (on behalf of the missing God) if their souls will either be sent for reincarnation or banished into the void (supposiingly heaven or hell). The series follows Decim, the lone bartender of the bar where people who died at the same time are sent to, known as the Quindecim bar, and his assistant.

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12. Angels Of Death 

Angels Of Death
Angels Of Death

Rachel Gardner (Ray) a 13 year old girl is taken to a hospital for counseling after witnessing murder. However she wakes up to find herself on the basement Floor B7 instead with no memories apart from her name and the reason she came to the hospital. A series of strange broadcasts and scrawled messages on the wall set the scene as a game where each participant is designated a floor of their own, and anyone who trespasses on another participant's floor has the chance to be killed. Ray, unaware of these details, is almost killed by serial killer Isaac Foster (Zack), the owner of Floor B6, and captured by Daniel Dickens (Danny), the owner of Floor B5 and the doctor the occupant of B7 who examined her. 

Ray regains her memories of the night of the murder and lost the zeal to live.Zack kills Danny but spares Rachel due to his motive of kill only does with the will of living. They were both designated by the broadcast as the "sacrifice" which is they can be killed by any floor master freely. Isaac (Zack) and Rachel (Ray) form an alliance in which Zack would have to use Ray's intelligence to escape and at the end Zack would have to kill Ray.Ray and Zack continue to go to the upper floors to find a way out, defeating the two other floor masters, Edward Mason (Eddie) at B4, a young boy with an unhealthy obsession with graves, and Catherine Ward (Cathy) at B3, a sadomasochistic former jail guard, in the process.

Ray comes across a Reverend Abraham Gray,on floor B2 who claims to the the creator of the game to test and find out the true definition of religious faith the heart of people. He calls all occupants of each floor angels that kill without hesitation. On the other hand Zack was injured in a fight against Catherine, Ray is allowed by Gray to pass through and get medications for Zack but would have to pass through some trials to get to the next floor to save Zack. Zack discovers that Danny was still alive.

When they arrive at B1 they come across a house filled with fake flowers and the dead corpse of a couple. This bringing back Rachel's memories stirs up the eagerness for her to want herself killed by Zack. Unfortunately, Zack is tricked by Danny who is still after Ray's blue eyes to abandon Ray in the room and lock it up. Zack goes through the floors in determination of finding out Ray's past, with the help of Gray, He is able to find out that Rachel suffered from a terrible parent relationship problem, were her mother was killed by her father. She in turn kills her father, she stitched their corpses up and decided to start a new perfect family.

Unable to handle the guilt, with the notion that o e would accept her again. She creates an idealization were she forgets all she had done and gone through. With this Danny is forced to take her to B7 to see if she can regain her real self. She comes to realization that Zack won't be the God to liberate her shoots Danny and attempts on killing Zack but they are later on able to come into good terms and renew their oath.

Going on as they reach the exit, Danny activate the self destruction of the building and shoots Ray. before he could shoot Zack, Gray appears upon finishing his experiment kills Danny and gives Zack and Ray the opportunity to escape before the building is destroyed.

Zack allows himself to be arrested in other to save Ray. Upon her recovery Ray is taken to a Rehabilitation Center due to her apparent delirium and attachment to Zack. An unspecified amount of time has passed, presumably weeks to a few months after the incident, Zack is sentenced to death, but unfortunately Zack escapes and goes to pick up Ray with the intent of fulfilling his promise, Ray ask Zack to kill her but by the time Ray's caretaker and the police arrives Zack and Ray had disappeared leaving only Zack's knife behind.

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11. Tomodachi Game

Tomodachi Game
Tomodachi Game

Yūichi Katagiri was taught the value of friendship when he was young, and it is thanks to his group of four friends that he is able to enjoy high school life today. When their class's school trip funds are stolen,suspicion falls on two of Yuuichi's friends: Shiho Sawaragi and Makoto Shibe, who were in charge of collecting the payments for the school trip. Although innocent, Shiho and Makoto take responsibility for the failure to protect the money when no one is found responsible. A few days later, Yuuichi and his friends receives mysterious letters which manoeuvre each of them into meeting up. Upon arrival, they are ambushed and knocked unconscious. They wake up in a mysterious room in the presence of "Manabu-kun," a character from a controversial children's show that stopped airing due to its malevolent content. He informs the group that one of them indirectly gathered them together in order to settle a large debt. They are to play a "friendship game": a series of games that will test the strength of their bond and trust in each other. As the group's faith wavers due to the growing number of secrets and betrayals, Yuuichi must figure out who of his "friends" he can actually trust and ultimately discover the identity of the back-stabber.

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10. Monster


Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a young Japanese brain surgeon, working at Eisler Memorial Hospital in Düsseldorf, West Germany. Tenma is discontents with the political bias of the hospital in treating patients, and seizes the chance to change things after a massacre brings fraternal twins Johan and Anna Liebert into the hospital. Johan has a gunshot wound to his head, and Anna mutters about killing; Tenma operates on Johan instead of the mayor, who arrived later. Johan is saved, but Mayor Roedecker dies; Tenma loses his social standing. Director Heinemann and the other doctors in Tenma's way are mysteriously murdered, and both children disappear from the hospital. The police suspect Tenma, but they have no evidence and can only question him.

Nine years later, Tenma is Chief of Surgery at Eisler Memorial. After saving a criminal named Adolf Junkers, Junkers mutters about a "monster." Tenma returns with a clock for Junkers, he finds the guard in front of Junkers' room dead and Junkers gone. Following the trail to the construction site of a unfinished building near the hospital, Tenma finds Junkers held at gunpoint. Junkers warns him against coming closer and pleads with him to run away. Tenma refuses, and the man holding the gun is revealed to be Johan Liebert. Despite Tenma's attempts to reason with him, Johan shoots Junkers. Telling Tenma he could never kill the man who saved his life, he walks off into the night, with Tenma too shocked to stop him.

The suspicion on Tenma is rekindled.BKA Inspector Lunge, tries to find more information about Johan. He soon discovers that the boy's sister is living a happy life as an adopted daughter; the only traces of her terrible past are a few nightmares. Tenma finds Anna, who was later on named Nina by her foster parents, on her birthday; he keeps her from Johan, but is too late to stop him from murdering her foster parents.

 Tenma eventually learns the origins of this "monster": from the former East Germany's attempt to use a secret orphanage known as "511 Kinderheim" to create perfect soldiers through psychological reprogramming, to the author of children's books used in a eugenics experiment in the former Czechoslovakia. Tenma learns the scope of the atrocities committed by this "monster", and vows to fix the mistake he made by ending Johan's life.

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9. Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist

Edward and Alphonse Elric live in Resembool with their mother Trisha and father Van Hohenheim. Hohenheim their father abandons them, and Trisha soon dies from an illness. After finishing their alchemy training under Izumi Curtis, the Elrics attempt to bring their mother back with alchemy. But the transmutation backfires, and Edward loses his left leg while Alphonse is completely anatomized. Edward sacrifices his right arm to retrieve Alphonse's soul, binding it to a suit of armor. Edward is invited by Roy Mustang to become a State Alchemist and also conduct research to find a way to restore their bodies, undergoing a painful medical procedure that grants him prosthetic automail limbs. Edward becomes a State Alchemist, with the title of Fullmetal Alchemist. The Elrics spend the next three years searching for the Philosopher's Stone to achieve their goals.

The Elrics are eventually attacked by an Ishbalan serial killer known as Scar, who targets State Alchemists in revenge for his people's massacre in the Ishbalan civil war. Returning to Resembool to have Edward's limbs repaired by their childhood friend and mechanic, Winry Rockbell, the Elrics meet Dr. Marcoh, who provides them with clues to learn that a Philosopher's Stone is created from human souls. They investigate a laboratory in which the Stones were created, but are hindered by the Homunculi. The Elrics decide to visit Izumi, hoping to improve their alchemy. Mustang's friend Maes Hughes continues the Elrics' research and finds out about a government conspiracy, but is killed by the homunculus Envy. 

The Elrics learn that Izumi also performed human transmutation, having attempted to use alchemy to revive her stillborn child. Alphonse is captured by the homunculus Greed, but is rescued by Amestris' leader King Bradley. Bradley is revealed to be the homunculus Wrath and brings the captured Greed to the Homunculi's creator, Father. When Greed refuses to rejoin his fellow Homunculi, he is reabsorbed by Father.

After meeting the Xingese prince Lin Yao, who seeks a Philosopher's Stone to cement his position as heir to his country's throne, the Elrics return to Central City, where they find out of Hughes's murder. Lieutenant Maria Ross is framed for Hughes' murder, so Mustang fakes Ross's death and smuggles her out of the country. In encounters with the Homunculi, Mustang kills Lust. Lin captures Gluttony, who swallows Lin, Edward, and Envy into his void-like stomach. They escape from Gluttony's stomach after he takes Alphonse to meet Father, who makes Lin the vessel of Greed. Mustang tries to expose Bradley to the government but finds that the higher officials are complicit in Father's plans. The Elrics and Mustang are released, but warned not to oppose Father, who seeks to use them as "human sacrifices". Meanwhile, Scar heads north with the Xingese princess May Chang, kills the corrupt official Yoki, and kidnaps Dr. Marcoh.

The Elrics head north as well, and reach Fort Briggs, commanded by General Olivier Armstrong. They confront the homunculus Sloth and learn that Father founded Amestris to amass enough population to create a massive Philosopher's Stone. With it, he can achieve godhood by absorbing the being beyond the Gate of Truth on the "Promised Day". Forced to work with Solf Kimblee, a murderous former State Alchemist and ally of the Homunculi, the Elrics turn on him and split up, joined by a reformed Scar, his group, Kimblee's chimera subordinates, and later Lin/Greed. Riza Hawkeye discovers that King Bradley's son Selim is the homunculus Pride. Hohenheim reveals that he was made an immortal when Father arranged the fall of Cselkcess four centuries ago and had been working since then to stop Father

On the promise day, Father is set to use the alchemist who were involved in transmutation as the human sacrifice. The Elrics alongside Kimblee fights Father's comrade but unfortunately Father manages to activate the nationwide transmutation circle and absorbs the superior being. Hohenheim and Scar activate countermeasures, draining much of Father's absorbed souls, and rendering him unstable. The Elrics and their comrades face Father in a final battle, in which Greed sacrifices himself to protect Lin. Alphonse, his armor almost destroyed, sacrifices his soul to restore Edward's right arm. Edward defeats Father, who is dragged into the Gate of Truth, from which he was created. Edward sacrifices his ability to perform alchemy to fully restore Alphonse from an impressed Truth, while Lin receives a Philosopher's Stone. Hohenheim goes to visit Trisha's grave, where he dies peacefully.

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08. Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Ghoul

Ken Kaneki, a student who barely survives a deadly encounter with Rize Kamishiro (his date who reveals herself as a ghoul and tries to eat him) when she gets hit by falling construction girders. He is taken to the hospital in critical condition. After recovering, Kaneki discovers that he underwent a surgery that transformed him into a half-ghoul. This was accomplished because some of Rize's organs were transferred into his body, and now, like normal ghouls, he must feed on human flesh to survive. A ghoul who runs a coffee shop called "Anteiku" takes him in and teaches him to deal with his new life as a half-ghoul.His daily struggles include fitting into the ghoul society, as well as keeping his identity hidden from his human companions, especially from his best friend, Hideyoshi Nagachika.

Kaneki who suffers from memory loss under the new identity of Haise Sasaki (the result of horrific brain damage sustained from Kishō Arima). He is the mentor of a special team of CCG investigators called "Quinx Squad" that underwent a similar procedure as his, allowing them to obtain the special abilities of Ghouls in order to fight them but still being able to live as normal humans

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07. Moriarty the Patriot

Moriarty the Patriot
Moriarty the Patriot

William James Moriarty lives as a regular noble while also being an adviser for the common folk to solve their problems. However, deep inside him lies a desire to destroy the current structure that dominates British society.

In the late 19th century, the British Empire has become a global power. Due to the strict class categorization, the average citizen has little chance of successfully rising up to the top, where the despicable nobility rules over them all. William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty household, is a young mathematics professor who has displayed great scheming an intellect since he was a child. Along with his brothers Albert and Louis, he lives the simple life of a noble. Outside of school, William is a well-known private adviser willing to solve the problems of anyone in need. However, his gentle manner contradicts his position as the head of a group prepared to wreak havoc in pursuit of its desire-a new world built from the ashes of the old. 

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06. Psycho-Pass


Akane Tsunemori, a rookie Inspector within Unit One (aka Division One) of the Ministry of Welfare Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Department. Shinya Kogami is an Enforcer under her watch during her first mission. When she judges him a threat to an apprehended criminal's life, she uses her Dominator to prevent him from decomposing the criminal. Initially ashamed of her action, Kogami thanks her for preventing what could be perceived as murder, an opinion which influences Tsunemori to stay on the force. 

The unit uncovers the crimes of Shogo Makishima, a prolific criminal mastermind. Makishima is Criminally Asymptomatic 'a person persistently assessed by the Sibyl System as having a low crime coefficient despite all actions and attitudes', thus protecting him from Dominator harm. Tsunemori is accompanied by veteran Inspector Nobuchika Ginoza, a strict man who looks down on Enforcers; Tomomi Masaoka, a middle-aged Enforcer who used to be a detective; Shusei Kagari, a carefree young man who was marked as a latent criminal in childhood; and Yayoi Kunizuka, a former musician turned into a latent criminal stemming from a relationship with a terrorist.

The unit starts hunting Makishima, but it is Kogami who lost a friend was even More determined to exterminate him. Meanwhile, Makishima is invited by Joshu Kasei, the android form of Sibyl, to join their ranks. He refuses and flees. Realizing this, Kogami leaves Unit One to find and kill him. The Sibyl System orders Tsunemori to capture Makishima and execute Kogami, but she agrees only on the condition that they withdraw the execution order for Kogami. Unit One now searches for both men with Kogami learning that Makishima plans to make biological terrorism and sends the data to his data. 

Upon finding him, Makishima attacks Masaoka and kills him when attempting to murder his son, Ginoza, with dynamite. Kogami spots and wounds Makishima but he is stopped by Tsunemori. Both comes to an agreement but later on Makishima attempts to kill Tsunemori, Kogami uses Masaoka's gun to kill Makishima. Later on Ginoza has become an Enforcer after witnessing his father's death with Tsunemori becoming the new leader as she welcomes Inspector Mika Shimotsuki. Meanwhile, Kogami is last seen on a ship.

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05. Steins Gate

Steins Gate
Steins Gate

Rintaro Okabe, a self-proclaimed "mad scientist", who runs the "Future Gadget Laboratory" in an apartment together with his friends Mayuri Shiina and Itaru "Daru" Hashida. While attending a conference about time travel, Okabe finds the dead body of Kurisu Makise, a neuroscience researcher; he sends a text message about it to Daru and later discovers that Kurisu is alive and that the message arrived before he sent it. The laboratory members learn that the cell phone-operated microwave oven they are developing can send text messages back in time; they are joined by Kurisu, and investigate it, sending text messages – referred to as "D-mails" – to the past to change the present. Kurisu eventually creates a device that can send memories through the microwave oven, effectively allowing the user to time travel.

SERN, a fictional organization based on CERN, learns of the time machine and sends people to the laboratory to retrieve it, killing Mayuri in the process. Okabe goes back in time multiple times to prevent Mayuri's death but fails each time. He learns that he needs to undo all the changes their D-mails have caused and does so until he realizes that undoing the first D-mail would return him to the timeline where Kurisu was found dead.

Okabe and Kurisu tell each other about their romantic feelings for one another, after which Kurisu tells Okabe to save Mayuri. Daru hacks into SERN's database, and they delete the record of the D-mail, returning them to the original timeline. Later, Suzuha Amane, Daru's future daughter, arrives in a time machine to tell Okabe that the only way to prevent a time-travel arms race leading to World War III is to prevent Kurisu's father Nakabachi from killing her and stealing her time travel theories. Suzuha and Okabe travel back in time, but Okabe accidentally kills Kurisu himself. Returning to the present, Okabe receives a message from his future self telling him that to escape the current timeline, he needs to save Kurisu while recreating the vision of the dead Kurisu that his past self saw. Traveling back in time again, he provokes Nakabachi into stabbing him, knocks Kurisu unconscious, and puts her in his pool of blood for his past self to see, causing the timeline to diverge into one where Kurisu lives and World War III does not occur.

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04. Attack On Titan 

Attack On Titan
Attack On Titan 

The story of Attack on Titan centers on a civilization inside three circular walls 50-meter Walls: Maria, Rose, and Sina. According to the knowledge propagated locally, it is the last surviving vestige of human civilization. Its inhabitants, known as Eldians, have been led to believe that over one hundred years ago, humanity was driven to the brink of extinction after the emergence of humanoid giants called Titans.The titans on the other hand with low intelligence feed on humans just for pleasure.

Eren Yeager is a boy who lives in the town of Shiganshina, located on the outermost of three circular walls which protect their inhabitants from Titans. After his hometown is destroyed and his mother is killed by two new types of Titans, the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan. Eren Jaeger vows to cleanse the earth of the giant humanoid Titans that have brought humanity to the brink of extinction alongside his childhood friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert as they set out to fulfill this shared dream.

Five years after Shiganshina's fall, the Colossal Titan attacks the city of Trost, located in the second innermost wall (Wall Rose). Eren helps to successfully defend the city after he discovers a mysterious ability to turn himself into a conscious (sentient) attack titan. Additionally, he regains memories of his father giving him this ability shortly after the fall of Wall Maria, and telling him that the truth about their world can be found in their basement in Shiganshina. These events draw the attention of the Survey Corps and their commander, Erwin Smith, who intend to use his power to reclaim Wall Maria and reach the Yeagers' basement. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are transferred to the Special Operations Squad, under the care of Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë

After the fight, with another female sentient Tiatan Annie Leonhart. It is discovered that there are Titans lying dormant within the walls (known as Wall Titans). The story continues on the appearance of new Tiatana know as the pure titans and also a sentient beast titan known as Ymir who also reveals that she can transform to a jaw sentient titan. Reiner Braun and Bertholt Hoover, reveal themselves as the Armored and Colossal Titan respectively also Ymir's close friend Krista Lenz reveals herself as Historia Reiss, a member of the royal family. On the other hand Eren discovers another power within himself called "the Coordinate", that allows him to control other Titans.

It was later discovered that the pure titan where humans who were transformed by serum made of Titan spinal fluid and also by eating another Titan shifter, a person can gain its abilities. Eren and his companions return to his childhood home, where they discover the truth of their world: they are actually Eldians, sworn enemies of the conquering Marleyans who were enclosed within the walls after the original King Karl Fritz fled from the war. They are not the last humans as they were told, but rather an enclosed sect of Eldians on an isolated island called Paradis. Because they are "Subjects of Ymir" who can be turned into Titans by being injected with Titan spinal fluid, the Eldians continue to be oppressed by Marley. In the year after the battle of Shiganshina, the Survey Corps kill all of the remaining Pure Titans on the island.The storyline is entirely top notch 

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 03. Code Geass

Code Geass
Code Geass

Lelouch vi Britannia is an exiled Britannian prince, son of Emperor Charles zi Britannia and his royal consort Marianne vi Britannia. Lelouch has a sister, Nunnally vi Britannia. Marianne was brutally murdered in the palace and Nunnally, who witnessed the murder of their mother, was so traumatized she lost both her sight and ability to walk. Lelouch is furious with his father, believing his father failed his mother and sister by turning a blind eye to their mother's death and failing to pursue their mother's killer.

Lelouch and Nunnally are sent as political counter (pawn) to Japan to lure the Japanese government into a false sense of security. After the siblings are sent to Japan, Japan is attacked and defeated by Britannia. With the ruins of Japan as a background, Lelouch vows to his Japanese friend Suzaku Kururugi that he will one day exterminate Britannia as an act of vengeance against his father.

Seven years later, Lelouch (now going by the name Lelouch Lamperouge), is now a popular yet withdrawn student at Ashford Academy. Lelouch becomes involved in a terrorist attack and finds a strange girl called C.C. (C2), who saves Lelouch's life from the Britannian Royal Guard, by making a contract with him and granting Lelouch a power known as Geass. This power, also known as the "Power of Kings", allows him to command anyone to do whatever he wants, including bending their will to live, fight, or die on his behalf. This power can affect an individual just once and only through direct eye contact. Lelouch decides to use his Geass to find his mother's murderers, destroy the Britannian Empire, and create a better world where Nunnally can live happily. 

In the process, Lelouch becomes Zero, a masked vigilante and the leader of the resistance movement known as The Black Knights, gaining popularity and support among the Japanese on his way towards the rebellion of Britannia. However, this does not come without a cost. Caught up in a conflict where he does not know the full extent of his powers, Lelouch will have to battle Suzaku, a resistance member named Kallen Stadtfeld, the strongest army in the world, his own half-siblings, and many others in a battle that will forever change the world.

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02. Death Note 

Death Note
Death Note

A brilliant high school student named Light Yagami finds the "Death Note", a mysterious black notebook that can end anyone’s life as long as the writer knows both the target's true name and face.In disbelief Light quickly considers the renewed possibilities of such an ability at his disposal and annihilates high-profile Japanese criminals then targets international criminals. Days later after discovering the notebook, Light is visited by Ryuk, a "shinigami" and the Death Note's previous owner. Ryuk, invisible to anyone who has not touched the notebook, reveals that he dropped the notebook into the human world out of boredom and is amused by Light's actions.

As criminals around the world die from unexplainable accidents and heart attacks, the global media suggest that a single mastermind is responsible for the mysterious murders and name them "Kira". Hoping to apprehend Kira, Interpol requests the assistance of a puzzling consulting detective, known as "L", to assist in their investigation. Deducing that Kira is based in Japan, Yagami is tricked into revealing that he is in the Kanto region of Japan by manipulating him to kill a decoy. Furious, Yagami vows to kill L, whom he sees as an obstruction to his plans. L deduces that Kira has inside knowledge of the Japanese police investigation, being led by Light's father, Soichiro Yagami. Under the suspicion that "Kira" could have family ties with members of the "Kira" investigation, L assigns a team of FBI agents to monitor the families of those connected with the investigation and L learns enough to designate Light as the prime suspect. Around this time, Light graduates from high school to college. L recruits Light into the Kira Task Force, with each trying to get the other to reveal crucial information.

On the other hand actress-model Misa Amane, having obtained a second Death Note from a shinigami named Rem, makes a deal with Rem for shinigami eyes, which reveal the names of anyone whose face she sees, at the cost of half her lifespan. She finds out Yagami's identity as Kira, but Light has another motive of using Misa to reveal L's identity but things doesn't go as planned as Misa is being captured by L. Rem threatens to kill Light if he does not find a way to save Misa. Light arranges a scheme in which he and Misa temporarily lose their memories of the Death Note, and has Rem pass the Death Note to a less morally driven individual, Kyosuke Higuchi of the Yotsuba Group. With memories of the Death Note erased, Light joins the investigation and, together with L, deduces Higuchi's identity and arrests him. 

Light regains his memories and uses the Death Note to kill Higuchi, regaining possession of the book. After restoring Misa's memories, Light instructs her to begin killing as Kira, causing L to cast suspicion on Misa. With Light insinuating the investigation would lead to Misa's capture and execution, Rem realizes Light's plan all along was to have her sacrifice herself to kill L, as a shinigami may not kill others to prevent a human's death. After Rem kills L, she disintegrates and Light obtains her Death Note. Yagami light is given the position of operating as the new L. With Light working as both L and Kira, the investigation stalls but crime rates continue to drop as he no longer has a threat of capture.

01. Classroom Of The Elite

Classroom Of The Elite
Classroom Of The Elite

The Japanese government has established the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, inducted to instruct and foster the generation of people that will support the country in the future. The students are given a high degree of freedom in order to closely mimic real life.

The story follows the perspective of Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, a quiet and unassuming boy, a student at Koudo Ikusei Senior High School. Who is not good at making friends and would rather keep his distance, but possesses unequalled intelligence and incredible physical ability. He is a student of Class-D, which is where the school dumps its subservient students, widely considered "defective". After meeting Suzune Horikita and Kikyō Kushida, two other students in his class, the situation begins to change and he starts to get involved in many affairs, and his thought of an ideal normal high school life begins to get scattered

Where To Watch

  • Crunchyroll
  • Netflix
  • Funimation
  • Hulu
  • Amazon Prime Video
  • TubiTv

Also Read: Most Hyped 2024 Upcoming Anime 


We hope we've been able to satisfy your mind, hopefully. These are not the the only psychological anime,there are others like ergo proxy, perfect blue, pluto, minibike and many other. And for where you can stream note that not all anime series are streamed on this platforms including some of the ones listed above, regardless we hope yiu dig in and get your mind blown.


I'm Samuel, an anime lover, reviewing and bringing to your knowledge about anime facts and mysteries, that's what I do best.

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