"In the dark world of Jujutsu Kaisen, cursed spirits and sorcerers reign supreme. But among the most feared and respected entities are the Shikigamis - powerful, summoned beings born from the cursed energy of their users. These mighty entities can turn the tide of battle in an instant, and their strength is a key factor in determining the fate of their masters. But which Shikigamis stand above the rest? In this post, we'll delve into the most powerful Shikigamis in Jujutsu Kaisen, exploring their abilities, strengths, and the impact they have on the world of Jujutsu sorcery."
07. Divine Dogs
Used by Megumi Fushiguro, the Divine Dogs are one of the most versatile and reliable shikigamis in the series. Initially appearing as two black and white wolves, these shikigamis possess incredible speed and strength. After the black Divine Dog is destroyed, its power is transferred to the white one, evolving it into Divine Dog: Totality. This enhanced form combines the strength of both original dogs, making it a fierce and agile fighter capable of dealing devastating blows to its enemies.
Once the wielder starts this Totality, a bi-pedal and bi-colored werewolf sort of manifestation appears. This manifestation, as it can be believed, is a stronger form of the black Divine Dog.
Moreover, Divine Dog: Totality has the ability to both defend as well as to attack the enemy. It has an amazing speed and terrifying claws that can damage even the special grade Cursed Spirits. It is famous as one of Megumi’s most formidable shikigami, and if fans can recall, the creature pierced through Hanami’s tough shell, taking him by surprise. Hence, Divine Dog: Totality is another one of the strongest shikigami in JJK.
06. Nue
An owl-like figure, Nue has a mask that resembles a skull and is adorned with orange feathers. It manifests when Sukuna summons it through Megumi, and impresses the audience with a well-built stature as well as a humanoid face. Moreover, it wears the symbol of the Great Serpent on its forehead and exhibits shadowgraphy when the wielder mimics wing shapes with their hand signs.
Additionally, Nue discharges purple electricity through its electro-shock wings. Technically like an owl, this shikigami attacks the enemies on both the ground as well as in air. In the Shibuya Incident arc, Nue can be seen exercising its versatility proving that it is a valuable asset in Megumi’s battle. Therefore, Nue is one of the strongest shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen universe.
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05. Garuda
Garuda is a long white shikigami with a unique appearance. It has a long, serpent-esque body with sections that are covered with bone-like columns. This same material comprises Garuda's head, which is complete with two eyes and a bird-like bill. It also possesses eight wings that levitate around its body and enable flight.
Garuda can have virtual mass added to it using Star Rage, as it's the only thing affected by the cursed technique other than the user. Star Rage transforms Garuda into a cursed tool that the user can use in battle. Garuda can also act and fight independently regardless; whether or not Star Rage is active as well.
04. judge man
Judge Man has an appearance that mirrors the symbols of justice. It is a large dark mass with a shape similar to the scales of justice, even featuring a scale on each side of its body. It has a white, mask-like face with its eyes sewn shut to represent impartialness, akin to Lady Justice's blindfold. Judgeman is capable of clear verbal communication and has a mouth with full lips it will use to speak.
Judgeman serves as its namesake for the Deadly Sentencing domain, functioning as the judge for the trial-based cursed technique. It begins the trial by stating the charges against the accused and submitting evidence to the prosecution for deliberation. Then as the trial proceeds, it listens to the arguments presented by both the prosecution and the defense. Depending on the statements presented, Judgeman hands out a lawful verdict and decides any subsequent punishments if the defendant is found guilty.
03. Merged beast Agito
Merged Beast Agito is Nue combined with Great Serpent, Tiger Funeral, and Round Deer but it is unknown if the destruction of the other shikigami is required for Nue: Totality to inherit their abilities.
Merged Beast Agito is a towering and muscular humanoid shikigami with a feathered mane, a mask over its face that resembles Nue's, feathered arms that end in claws, black antlers that protrude from its head, a feminine torso with black stripes, tiger-like feet, and a tail that ends in a snake's head. It also sports black hakama bottoms. It is a powerful shikigami with the ability to attack, defend, and provide support for its user. Its notable traits are its ability to produce Nue's electricity and regenerate with Round Deer's reverse cursed technique.
02. Rika
Rika's appearance as a vengeful curse was completely different. She was a larger monstrous curse with a large muscular upper body, long arms, and a tail-like shadow that served as her lower body. She had a single cycloptic eye that was normally hidden behind a shell that looks similar to a brain. Extending from her head were several tendrils, and she had long untrimmed fingernails as well as a mouth full of thin sharp teeth.
After being freed from her curse, Rika was still able to forgive Yuta and leave him behind despite his promise to pass on with her. Before leaving, Rika even told Yuta that she was happier spending time with him as a curse than when she was alive. It was at that moment the curse spirit became a shikigami
As a shikigami, Rika's power was unmatched in terms of pure destructive potential. A fully manifested Cursed Rika was considered a grave threat by the jujutsu higher-ups, to the point where they doubted if even Satoru Gojo could contain her. By only manifesting her arms she could easily bring harm to non-sorcerers and jujutsu sorcerers alike. Once Yuta trusted his connection with her enough to allow her to fully manifest, Rika's power eclipsed that of nearly all other curses.
01. Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga
Mahoraga, the Divine General, is a formidable Shikigami conjured through a sacred incantation. Its towering, muscular form is adorned with four wings and a tail-like appendage, accompanied by a rotating eight-handled wheel that symbolizes a "perfect cycle" and "harmony". This majestic entity possesses superhuman strength, capable of shattering concrete or delivering blows that can pierce through multiple buildings. Wielding the Sword of Extermination, Mahoraga is particularly effective against cursed spirits.
What sets Mahoraga apart, however, is its extraordinary ability to adapt to any phenomenon or attack. As its wheel rotates, it analyzes and responds to new stimuli, granting it resistance or immunity to previously encountered attacks. This adaptability extends to its defensive capabilities, allowing it to heal injuries, as well as its offensive prowess, enabling it to modify its attacks to bypass enemy defenses. Whether switching energy types or developing new slash techniques, Mahoraga's adaptability makes it a force to be reckoned with, capable of countering any attack or phenomenon that dares to challenge it.
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Shikigamis in Jujutsu Kaisen add a rich layer of complexity and excitement to the battles within the series. From the versatile Divine Dogs to the nearly invincible Mahoraga, these summoned creatures showcase the creativity and strategic depth that Gege Akutami has infused into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As the story progresses, fans eagerly anticipate more revelations about these powerful entities and their impact on the fate of the characters we’ve come to love. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to the series, the shikigamis of Jujutsu Kaisen are sure to leave a lasting impression.
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